Daily LIfe / parenting

Life With Multiples

In two words: sleep deprivation.  Oh, the sleep deprivation is intense.  I thought it was bad with one baby, but it is definitely harder with two.  Both babies are formula fed so M helps with the nighttime feedings, but there are no breaks because each one of us takes a baby each night.  So every time my “charge” for the night is up, I am up.  Luckily, they are both sleeping 3-4 hour stretches at night, but it is still tough.  The babies will be 4 weeks old tomorrow, and I can tell that the lack of sleep is really catching up to me.  I am fine during the day, but during the middle of the night feedings I am really having trouble staying awake.  Still though, I love these babies and would not trade them for anything. 

Both AM and AG are doing very well.  This morning I weighed myself holding them to get an idea of how much they weigh, and I am proud to say that AM is weighing in at about 7 pounds and AG is weighing in at about 8 pounds (and she is already outgrowing newborn clothes!).  AM had a slow start with not eating very much and he lost a few ounces, but he is quickly catching up to his sister.  AG is already getting chubby cheeks and thighs.  Both are absolutely adorable and so much fun to snuggle. 

CJ and CP are adjusting well.  They both like the babies although CJ has been acting out a little bit more than usual to get attention, and CP has been trying really hard to get my attention as well.  He grabs my face and turns it toward him whenever he wants to tell me something.  He is almost 2 ½ now, and is talking like crazy.  Overall, they are both pretty good at entertaining themselves and each other, and are doing well with having to share attention with their new brother and sister. 

M went back to work last week for the first time in 4 weeks, and my dad has been staying with us during the beginnings of the week followed by my in-laws helping at the end of the week.  As of right now I am not allowed to lift more than the weight of the babies, but after about 6 weeks I think I will be cleared to do normal activities again.  I have to admit I am super scared of how I am going to handle all four kids by myself when the time comes.  I am trying not to think about it.  I know I will probably be going and going all day long with little to no breaks, and I am terrified of how I am going to manage.  I really hope I can figure it out somehow without losing my sanity too much. 

As for me, I am recovering well.  I feel about 98% right now.  I do get tired after doing a lot of things and need to rest some, but compared to where I was in the last weeks of the pregnancy I feel super great.  I have had to visit the doctor a few times to check my incision and my blood pressure, which has been a little on the high side, but not high enough that they are worried.  I’m guessing it is just extra blood volume still that hasn’t gone away yet.  Mentally I am feeling really good as well.  My medication has definitely been working, and I don’t think I have cried in several days and my anxiety has been minimal.  We’ll see what happens when I am on my own, but as of right now I feel so good compared to how I felt right after delivery. 

Overall life with four kids has been good.  I am super happy to have these babies here with us, and I love having a daughter and another son.  I am really enjoying our family.  On Saturday M and I celebrated our six-year wedding anniversary, and it is amazing to look at how much has happened to us in the last six years. I never dreamed I would have 4 kids by this time.  God has truly blessed us despite the challenges we have faced.  I hope to continue to be an example to the world of what a God-centered family looks like, and I hope to continue to teach my kids God’s love and help get them to heaven.

4 thoughts on “Life With Multiples

  1. Hello,
    I just read your post on Twiniversiry and had to see your blog! Your family sounds so much like mine is going to be before long! I have two boys and and due with twins in a couple of months!

    It’s so nice to read about someone else’s experience and not feel like I’m alone.



  2. Hi! I just saw your post on twiniversity and recognized you from church! Wild! I have twin boys who are 7, an almost 2 year old and am expecting #4 in a few weeks. Thanks for sharing your great tips and hope to connect time! 💗


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